
Meet our 2022 Promotions

Director Corporate and M&A - Astrid Delanghe

01 October 2022

In this Q&A series we want to put our newly promoted colleagues in the picture. Our new entry in the series is Astrid Delanghe, Director in the Corporate and M&A team.

Deloitte Legal-Lawyers (DL): Congratulations on your recent promotion to Director!  What are you most looking forward to in the coming months?

Although I’ve been working for Deloitte Legal since 2011, I’m looking forward to meeting new people both within as outside the organisation to expand my horizon. The current legal and social developments regarding sustainability also have my full attention, there are many new requirements (and social pressure) for companies and their advisors.

DL: What are the main challenges you see?

The speed at which the European Union issues legislation, including the accompanying compliance requirements, does not make it easy for (even large) companies to stay up to date as to what is expected from them. Being timely informed about what they specifically need to do or not do will remain very important for the business world.

DL: What are your key focus areas?

I’m specialised in assisting listed companies (such as Belgian REITs) in areas such as public offerings, private placements and corporate governance as well as assisting with the set-up of (alternative) investment funds. 

DL: Do you have any recommendations for lawyers wanting to advance their knowledge? 

Grab opportunities to enhance your knowledge since this can be done in so many ways. Keep your eyes and ears open for new information and insights and be proactive in doing your own research.

DL: If there is one misconception you could clear up about your areas of expertise, what would it be?

That it is boring 😊 Contrary to what some would think, the world of capital markets and investment funds is very dynamic.

DL:  If you look back at yourself when you started, what advice would you give yourself?

I’m happy with the way my career has evolved throughout the years and would not change anything.

DL:  Are there any closing thoughts you would like to share?

Always stay true to yourself.

Get in touch with Astrid

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