Posted: 17 Nov. 2023 5 min. read

New thresholds for public procurement procedures in 2024-2025

Public, Energy, Climate & Sustainability | Legal Newsflash

On 15 November 2023, new European thresholds for public procurement procedures during the period 2024-2025 were announced. (1)  

The thresholds vary depending on the type of contract, as well as the awarding authority. They are schematically described in the following table: (2)

Public contract


Old threshold (in EUR, excl. VAT)

New threshold (in EUR, excl. VAT)

Public work contracts and concessions




Public supply and service contracts – classic sectors




Public supply and service contacts placed by certain federal authorities




Public supply and service contracts – special sectors




(1) Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2496 of 15 November 2023 amending Directive 2014/25/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council in respect of the thresholds for supply, service and works contracts, and design contests; Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2495 of 15 November 2023 amending Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council in respect of the thresholds for supply, service and works contracts, and design contests.

(2) This table lists only the most important categories; for exceptions, e.g. defence procurement, reference is made to the text of the regulation.



Key contacts

Kathleen De hornois

Kathleen De hornois

Managing Partner

Kathleen De hornois joined Deloitte Legal – Lawyers in 2011 and heads the firm’s public and administrative law team. With a background both as an attorney and a company lawyer, Kathleen has extensive experience in administrative law, public procurement, public-private partnerships, environment law, urban planning and real estate in general. From 2018 to 2019, Kathleen was the firm’s Eminence partner. She became the Chief Operating Officer in 2020 and Managing Partner on 1 October 2021. Kathleen began her career in 1999 as a lawyer at DLA Piper, working in the public law department. In 2004, she moved to bpost as senior legal counsel in charge of all public and administrative law matters, and was the appointed representative of the state-owned companies in the federal commission on public procurement and thus involved in the preparation of all new legislation on public procurement in Belgium. In 2010, Kathleen then became Real Estate Manager within bpost, taking responsibility for the strategic, financial, administrative and operational management of the company’s property (1,000,000 m²). At Deloitte Legal, Kathleen advises both public entities at local and European levels and private companies on different administrative law issues and represents them in court (both civil court as before the Council of State). With strong operational and project management skills, Kathleen focusses on providing preventive, hands-on, concrete, pragmatic and specialised legal support. She is fluent in Dutch, French and English.