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Archive of real estate news from 2019 to 2021
Retail leases after a year of coronavirus
26 May 2021
In more than a year of coronavirus crisis, the retail sector suffered 3 different periods of lockdown which resulted in major revenue losses and seriously impacted retail leases and rent payment obligations. With direct business contact impossible or severely limited, tenants and landlords have brought retail lease cases to the courts but the resulting case law remains divided.
Brussels government loans for retail tenants
8 January 2021
The Brussels government recently launched an aid measure whereby the Region can make loans available to retailers and craftsmen that are no longer able to pay rent for their retail premises on Brussels territory. The Flemish Region adopted a similar measure on 29 May 2020.
Important legislative developments for B-REIT and S-REIF sectors
14 May 2019
Although the elections are fast approaching, the Federal Parliament has been very active during the past months, resulting in the adoption of numerous bills. Some of those are of significant importance for B-REITs (“Société Immobiliére Réglementée” (“SIR”) / “Gereglementeerde Vastgoedvennootschap” (“GVV”)) and S-REIFs (“Fonds d’investissement immobilier spécialisé” (“FIIS”) / “Gespecialiseerd Vastgoedbeleggingsfonds” (“GVBF”)).