
Stijn Demeestere featured on #ZigZag HR podcast on Sustainable Employment: HR vs. Risk Management 

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16 November 2023

Companies no longer run their business only with in-house personnel. Many external contributors, such as independent freelancers and temporary workers, have secured a permanent place within the internal organization. Additionally, businesses rely on a network of service providers for supporting activities. Due to the labour market's scarcity, these service providers, in turn, engage with Belgian or foreign subcontractors, employing both Belgian and foreign staff.

Collaboration with third parties entails numerous risks and challenges, not only legally but also on the HR front. Questions arise about ensuring continuity, maintaining quality, and preserving the company culture when working with individuals who are not direct employees.

Recent developments highlight that it is no longer sufficient for companies to monitor compliance with labour laws only within their own organization. They must also ensure their partners engage in sustainable employment practices throughout the entire supply chain.

Not all companies are sufficiently aware of this, and generally, they are not yet organized in this regard. Stijn Demeestere and Madhuri Borms guide you on this journey.

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